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Abortion Appointments

Abortion Advice

If you are pregnant and unsure whether or not you want to continue with the pregnancy, call the British Pregnancy Advisory Actionline, MSI Reproductive Choices or National Unplanned Pregnancy Advisory Service (NUPAS). They will be able to support you to discuss your options in a friendly and supportive way, which will help you to make the decision that is right for you.

For MSI Reproductive Choices call 03453 00 80 90
For BPAS call 03457 30 40 30
For NUPAS call 0333 004 666

Booking an Abortion appointment

An abortion can be carried out up to the 24th week of pregnancy. The type of abortion you get depends on how early or advanced your pregnancy is. It is best to have an abortion before 10 weeks of pregnancy (a pregnancy is counted from the first day of your last period). The service will also provide a choice of contraception after the procedure.

If you live in Greenwich or your GP is based in Greenwich, and have chosen to have an abortion you may book your free appointment directly with one of the 3 services. You don’t need a GP referral to access their services – you can call them directly to talk to someone and book treatment.

Alternatively, please visit the South East London CCG for further information.