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Chlamydia Screening

Aged 16-24?

If you are aged between 16-24 you can order a free testing kit online as part of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme. If you live in London you can order this kit from the Checkurself website.

Visit the Checkurself Website

Checkurself Logo

Aged 25 or above?

If you would like to test for Chlamydia, go to the Walk-inServices section to find your nearest clinic. The Walk-in Services will also be able to test you for Gonorrhoea, HIV and Syphilis.

Don't live in London?

If you don't live in London and are aged between 16 and 24, go to the National Chlamydia Screening website to find out where you can get a free test.

Visit the National Chlamydia Screening ProgrammeWebsite

National Chlamydia Screening Website Logo